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Komiya & Meeriah Catey

Domestic Short Hair | 3 Years 9 Months | Female

Meeriah Catey and Komiya are two beyond adorable cats who just need a bit of time to come out of their shells.

Meeriah Catey is more outwardly affectionate as the orange heart sized mark in the fur on the top of her charming head may indicate. She loves to play, so you’ll see her scampering around or hear her pathetically meow to her sister with a desperate “play with me!” Komiya generally ignores these somewhat embarrassing displays, as she is more wily, cunning and (potentially) smarter. She loves to find nooks to hide in, but as she gets more comfortable, she will opt for spots within arms reach so she can be closer to her people. Even if she won’t admit it to herself, she is clearly ready for love.

There’s really nothing like watching shy cats blossom and being a part of their journey to find love (without even going on The Bachelor). These girls still have their guards up, but just ignore a few initial hisses and get right to cuddling. Here’s a tip to turn on their motors: rake their fur backwards and then pet smooth, they will start to purr about five times the volume of their size.

Find Out How to Adopt Komiya & Meeriah Catey