A boy called Samson

Age: 7 Years 0 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About A boy called Samson

Samson (full name Samson Sutter von Powell) is just as goofy as his name! He is the sweetest boy with so many fun personalities.  He’s very playful, and loves any type of string toy or running after something you throw for him, and will even pounce on toys and play by himself! He also plays with his tail a lot which is very entertaining! Sometimes his fosters will be watching TV and all of a sudden he bursts running into the room then jumps off the walls. His zoomies are so fun to watch – he’s always putting on a show!

He is also quite loving, and will often ask for cuddles in bed or on the couch. He loves to be with his people; from laying on the ground while they cook to sitting on a chair at the dining room table while they eat dinner. He’s been open and friendly to other people who have visited before, and would be happy in any type of home. He especially loves to be pet on the head, and loves to be brushed.

He has so many nicknames, including Sam and Sammy. But depending on his mood, different nicknames come out! All in all, Samson is so sweet and will make his forever family laugh all the time, and whoever adopts him will be so lucky!

Samson is FIV+ and will live a normal healthy and long life when provided with quality care such as a balanced diet and yearly wellness exams (like any cat). 

Samson was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. We would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation (between $250 and $400 total) and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.

This cat can be adopted with a friend or as a single cat.


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