
Age: 10 Years 3 Months Old
Sex: Female

All About Armani

Meet Armani, the sweetest cat her foster has ever had! She’s still warming up to the idea of cuddles and petting is still on her own terms, but there’s no doubt that with a little time and comfort, she’ll be all about the affection. When she’s in the right mood for it, she becomes a purring machine and master biscuit maker!

If you're reading or watching TV in bed at night, Armani will likely come curl up next to you. She's a great roommate – early in the morning, she does her business, eats her dry food, and then goes back to sleep until you get up to start the day. 

Armani loves mealtime and gets very chatty the moment she hears a can opening! She also adores her little plush toys and can be heard happily meowing around the apartment as she carries one in her mouth. She’s an expert ball chaser but don’t expect her to return them! She’s fascinated by my whistling and will run up to her foster to investigate, so if you happen to have that skill, you’ll always have an audience in her! And whether it's a Trader Joe’s bag, a cozy hidey-hole under the bed, or an Amazon box, Armani is always on the lookout for the perfect nap spot. 

This little lady is great for first-time cat owners or anyone looking for a sweet, calm and relatively easy companion! 

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.



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