Beema & Smarty

Sex: Female

All About Beema & Smarty

Beema and Smarty are the most unexpected best friends! Beema was so excited when tiny kitten Smarty came into our FeLV+ room! She immediately started grooming and playing with her. Smarty has made Beema so happy, and Smarty loves Beema as well. We would love to adopt these two together despite their age difference because they love each other so much.

Smarty is adorable! She settled into the FeLV+ Room easily, immediately making friends with everyone – especially Beema. Beema and Smarty love to play fight and groom each other. When it comes to humans, Smarty can’t get enough attention. She’ll purr is soon as you pick her up! She is very playful and curious and as sweet as can be. 

Beema is the resident FeLV+ sweetie. When she entered the FeLV+ room she had queen energy right away. She grooms the younger boys in the room, sometimes giving them a bop if they get out of hand. She loves being pet, being the center of attention, exchanging slow blinks, treats, and playing with her wand toy.

While we would love to keep these two together, FeLV+ cats are harder to adopt, so we can also adopt them separately as long as Smarty has a friend cat at home.

Beema & Smarty have been diagnosed with FeLV (feline leukemia virus). Cats with feline leukemia can live normal and healthy lives for prolonged periods of time when provided with quality care such as a balanced diet and yearly wellness exam, however, most likely their lifespans will be much shorter than other cats. FeLV+ cats need to be adopted as a single cat or with another FeLV+ companion. We greatly appreciate adopters who are interested in providing an FeLV+ cat a forever home and are more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


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