Bit & Torque

Age: 6 Months 14 Days Old
Sex: Unknown

All About Bit & Torque

These kitties are on the shy & cautious side, but once they warm up to you, they’ll be all up in your space! Bit (white/tabby) knows all about forehead kisses and will ask for them by shoving her head up against your mouth. She’ll nudge your hand for scritches, but be mindful as she can get sometimes get overstimulated. She also suffers from cuteness aggression – sometimes she just looks at Torque and then reaches out to start to play with him! But we get it, he is indeed super cute in his little gray tuxedo. Torque will keep you at an arms length for a bit longer, but he loves pets too much to stay away. He’ll flop belly up against your feet to entice you to pet him (and yes, belly pats are A-OK!). These two will warm up to anyone who has the patience to wait for them.

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