Dorian Dinghy & Tyler Tugboat

Age: 8 Months 9 Days Old
Sex: Male

All About Dorian Dinghy & Tyler Tugboat

Say hello to Tyler and Dorian:) Both kittens are very well behaved, don’t cause a lot of mess and are very well trained with their litter box and are good at eating regularly. Tyler (the brown kitten) is full of excitement and loves to cuddle. He is very friendly with people, and enjoys any sort of attention. Ones he feels safe with you, he will follow you around all day. Dorian (the grey kitten) is more shy than his brother, however playtime is the best way to win his affection! They both are active around the apartment, and enjoy playing games with us and their toys. Dorian prefers his own space, and takes his time warming up to being touched or held.

These two are the perfect opposites and create a really lovely dynamic and environment to be around. They both have their own distinct personalities and both bring different daily excitements to the table! 

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