Tiny & Fatty

Age: 1 Year 1 Month Old
Sex: Male

All About Tiny & Fatty

Meet Fatty and Tiny, a dynamic duo that will keep your heart full and your lap full of snuggles!

Fatty, a sweet and cuddly big boy who likes to sleep around the house and flop over on the ground when he finds a place that suits him. We affectionately call him Fatty to differentiate him from his athletic brother, and because he loves to sprawl on couches, chairs and rugs. When we first fostered Fatty he was shy and cautious – now, he is quick to join anyone who sits on the couch, looking for pets and affection. 

He loves to play with his brother and is extremely low maintenance. Adopt Fatty and you’ll gain an easy, snuggly companion with a heart as big as his appetite!

Fatty's brother Tiny is one of the sweetest cats you'll ever meet! This little charmer will greet you with his signature meows and follow you around for attention when he's in the mood for pets. We named him Tiny because he was a runt when we found him, but he’s since grown into a strong and fit boy! Despite his energetic nature, Tiny is very independent and won't disturb your beauty sleep in the mornings. Tiny is a playful spirit who loves chasing wand toys, and he’s one of the only cats we’ve seen that loves to be picked up and held – he’ll instantly start purring in your embrace! 

Tiny and Fatty are best friends and should be adopted together. We also want to say that we’ve fostered many cats, and these are some of the sweetest, easier and most affectionate ones we’ve ever seen. You’d be very lucky to have them in your life! 



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