
Age: 4 Years 7 Months Old
Sex: Female

All About Ella

Ella is a Maine Coon-eque beauty! Bursting with an amazing personality, Ella is a bundle of fun. She is super sweet and social. She is an incredibly loving lap cat with a quirky playful, bouncy personality, who can be carried around like a loaf of bread, and who deserves a real home with people who are prepared to treat her like the queen she is. She will warm up to new guests very quickly, so don't be surprised if she is sitting on your lap within a few minutes of meeting! Her favorite toys are string toys or even better, a stray hair tie on the ground. 

Ella has skin allergies, and must be fed a prescription diet with specific proteins like rabbit and lamb. She also must occasionally wear a cone to stop her from overgrooming. We are happy to talk to potential adopters about Ella's medical needs!

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.


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