
Age: 6 Years 8 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Felix

Felix is the friendliest, snuggliest boy cat of your dreams. All he wants to do is spend time with you, whether he’s curled up on your chest or snoozing on a cozy blanket nearby. When you come home he says hello with the cutest kitten-like meows, and has an endless supply of head boops and face rubs to give. This snuggle and purr machine warms up to people fast and makes new friends easily. Felix likes to be held like a baby and when he’s happy he makes biscuits with all four legs! 

He doesn't initiate play much, but becomes an adorable and ferocious hunter when the laser pointer and wand toy come out. Ultimately, his favorite hobby is cuddling, so he would do best in a home where his people are around more often than not. 

He has a special diet because of tummy troubles and allergies, but it’s easily managed. 

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.


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