
Age: 7 Years 10 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Jules

This little lover wants nothing more than pets and love while he leans against you and slowly kneads the air. Though he may be a little skittish in a new location at first, his need for scritches will quickly win out. He gets so excited about pets, he has a hard time sitting still; he loves to get up mid-pet, turn around, and then somersault head-first back into your lap. He may also try to give soft little love bites with his few remaining teeth (he has had some dental work done). 

Jules is quite playful for his age. He loves to chase a string toy with help from you. Infrequently, when he’s really desperate for interactive play, he’ll quietly chirp at you – his version of a meow. Sometimes he even has a hard time holding himself back, and he’ll lighty jump on your shoulders to get your attention. But most of the time, he’ll happily self-entertain with a squishy. When he’s not getting pets and playtime, he’s content to curl up across the room or look out the window and contemplate cat mysteries.

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.

Jules was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. We would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation (between $250 and $400 total) and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.


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