Lady Lovibond Pelham

Age: 1 Year 7 Months Old
Sex: Female

All About Lady Lovibond Pelham

Lady Lovibond Pelham is the lady of the FeLV room. She loves to have the attention be on her only. She loves treats, pets, and to play, but she especially loves sitting on someone’s lap. If one of the boy cats in the FeLV room tries to get in the way of her lap time they’re sure to get a bop on the snoot!

Lady is FeLV+ and needs to be adopted as a single cat or with another feline leukemia positive companion (but she would prefer to live alone!). Cats that are FeLV+ can live normal and healthy lives when provided with quality care such as a balanced diet and yearly wellness exam, however most likely their lifespans will be much shorter than other cats. We’d be happy to talk more about this!

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