Linchpin Lott

Age: 3 Years 3 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Linchpin Lott

Linchpin is a sweet and affectionate boy who is great with people. He loves to be cuddled and will express his happiness with his loud purr. Linchpin is a big boy who loves eating treats. More than anything, he loves to lounge and roll around (mostly for belly scratches). Linchpin would be a wonderful addition to any home with his kind disposition and calm nature. He is quick to express affection and would do well with an owner who understands when he wants to be cuddled and when he wants alone time.

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.

Linchpin was rescued with dental issues and is in need of surgery. In lieu of an adoption fee, we would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.

This cat is FIV+ and will live a normal healthy and long life when provided with quality care such as a balanced diet and yearly wellness exams (like any cat). As FIV+ is not transmittable between neutered/spayed cats under normal circumstances, we are happy for FIV+ cats to mingle with FIV- cats in their adoptive homes.

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