
Age: 6 Years 5 Months Old
Sex: Female

All About Lolo

This six year old dainty and nimble lady is a precious companion to any loving home. Lolo takes a few days to adjust and feel confident in her new environment. Once she settles in, she is independent, cooperative, and calm. Occasionally she gets the zoomies and will let out her energy by running around and looking out windows. She loves to chill on the couch next to you on a blanket or lay down near a window to observe the wild outdoors. She gets excited when it’s time to eat and makes the cutest eager meows when she sees you preparing her meal. She is fond of being pet and brushed. She is a content cozy kitty and will curl up near your feet at night for warmth, connection, and protection.

Lolo loves seafood (she has a very discerning palette!). Give her some Friskies shredded fish and she will be very happy. She loves drinking from a fresh running water fountain. She loves a good scratching pad to stretch and release! LoLo will elevate your life in all the ways, her foster mom guarantees it!

Her foster mom is also donating Lolo's automatic litter box to go home with her!

Lolo was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. We would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation (between $250 and $400 total) and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.


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