Marcello Mott

Age: 5 Years 1 Month Old
Sex: Male

All About Marcello Mott

Marcello is a 5-year-old beefy heartthrob who is nothing short of a perfect gentleman. 

He has a very relaxed attitude and loves people. He loves to cuddle up in bed with you at night (though does enjoy his breakfast on the early side!). He loves to stay close to his people, even waking up with you in the night to escort you to the bathroom door (and then politely wait outside). Even his meow is the quietest little chirp! We have yet to see him hiss, swat, or nip- these paws are for biscuit-making only!

He is clearly happy to be off the street and shows his gratitude with frequent hand-licking and head-butting. He also really enjoys tummy rubs and spends a fair amount of time lounging on his back, hoping a kind passerby will offer a belly rub. As an energetic young man, he’s quite playful, and enjoys a solid daily session with a wand toy (especially one with feathers), in between extended biscuit-making sessions. 

He loves a good meal and is not at all a picky eater. He will definitely supervise any and all kitchen activities! 

He is a bit startled by loud noises and will tend to hide under a bed or couch for a little bit when he gets spooked.

 If you want a mellow sweetheart who will worship the ground you walk on, Marcello may just be the  boy for you!

Marcello was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. We would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation (between $250 and $400 total) and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.

This cat can be adopted with a friend or as a single cat.

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