Marsh Mellow

Age: 1 Year 1 Month Old
Sex: Female

All About Marsh Mellow

Meet the cutest black and white fluffy kitty, Marsh Mellow! She is so sweet and might be the cutest gal on the planet! She is sweet but shy at first. Adopters should just have a bit of knowledge or a willingness to learn about how to help shy cats adjust. 

Marsh Mellow is a hilarious lady. She can be a tad shy at first, but warms up nicely. She's a spunky girl, and has been known to use the occasional paw swat to get her way (sans claw). She is very sweet but knows how to set her boundaries. She's the cutest fluffy girl, with possibly the fluffiest tail on planet earth! 

She would be a great companion for your cat at home, as she loves her feline friends.

This cat needs to be adopted with a friend — applications for them as a single cat will not be answered.

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