
Age: 10 Months 25 Days Old
Sex: Female

All About O’Keeffe

O'Keeffe is quite the distinguished lady. She loves to sit in high places, scoping out the room, before she feels comfortable. She also is quite confident in setting her boundaries. Pet her in a way she doesn't like "bap!". Pet her too quickly "bap bap!". This girl doesn't hesitate to use her paws (not claws!)  to show you when you're doing something she doesn't prefer. 

However, when you scratch her behind her head, her sweetness comes out. She purrs and clearly enjoys being pet, she just isn't quite sure about humans yet (she thinks we're pretty weird). She loves Churu treats and playtime, and is sure to come out of her shell more with the right person. Could it be you?

This cat needs to be adopted with a friend — applications for them as a single cat will not be answered.

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