
Age: 8 Years 1 Month Old
Sex: Male

All About Paul

Paul is a friendly and handsome 7 year old independent boy. His interests include perching near  windows to bask in sunlight, purring and asking sweetly for treats, and nightly zoomies. Paul will greet you at the door when you get home, asking for pets and meowing "hello" whether or not your arrival woke him up. Paul has a soft meow and purr that is so charming. Paul is a moderate cuddler who likes to snuggle near your legs when it's bedtime. He gets the zoomies at night and will run after any ball or treat you throw. He has not mastered the game of fetch and in true cat behavior, he will not bring the ball back. 

A typical happy Paul will be kneading dough and hanging out with the gang. He likes head and soft pets but gently sets boundaries if you touch him while he's not in the mood.

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.

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