
Age: 5 Years 6 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Pumpkin

Meet Pumpkin, the sweet as pie boy who would love to find a place in your house to curl up and snooze, maybe with a few snores and some leisurely biscuits thrown in. Pumpkin was found as a stray but it's clear he used to live in a home. He is always down for pets, and rubs up against people in order to get them. He loves getting attention, and is overall just a very chill guy. He would be a great fit in any household, as long as you are able to pet him, and give him a signature snoozing spot.

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.

This cat is FIV+ and will live a normal healthy and long life when provided with quality care such as a balanced diet and yearly wellness exams (like any cat). As FIV+ is not transmittable between neutered/spayed cats under normal circumstances, we are happy for FIV+ cats to mingle with FIV- cats in their adoptive homes.

Pumpkin was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. His surgery was paid for by a generous donor!

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