
Age: 5 Years 6 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Redd

Redd is an absolute gem! He is a huge snuggle bug and loves nothing more than to curl up on your lap on the couch whenever you let him—he especially loves scratches on his head and chin. He is outgoing with strangers and makes friends with new people quickly, and his easygoing nature makes it easy to love him! He’s not picky about food and will definitely take the opportunity to grab a human snack if you’re not careful, but he is willing to be redirected to other things. He’s a little skittish around loud noises (such as people passing by outside the hallway and vacuums) and is working on using a scratch pad but he’s learning. Redd is such a loving and sweet guy and will be a great companion!

This cat would prefer to be adopted alone and be the only cat in the home.

Redd was rescued with dental issues and had surgery. We would be thrilled for a potential adopter to provide a larger adoption donation (between $250 and $400 total) and/or assistance crowdsourcing funds towards their necessary vet bills if possible.

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