
Age: 2 Years 9 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Shackleton

Shackleton is a friendly and sociable cat who enjoys the company of both people and animals. Known for his curious nature, he loves to follow his humans around, never wanting to miss a moment of the action. Whether he's greeting other cats or playing with dogs, Shackleton is always at ease, getting along well with everyone he meets. His sweet, easygoing personality makes him a delightful companion to all.

Shackleton was found in a carrier outside on one of the hottest days of the year, and we are so glad he made his way to us. He is such a silly little sweetheart, always wanting pets and love. He also is very curious and loves to explore plastic and paper bags he finds. He loves his attention, and is good at demanding it through head butts and little chirps. 

This cat can be adopted with a friend or as a single cat.

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