
Age: 1 Year 6 Months Old
Sex: Male

All About Sir

Sir is a special needs guy who will fill your house with joy, love, and laughs. This majestic tuxedo floof was born with hind leg deformities, but it doesn't stop him from running and playing like any other cat! In fact, he is a shockingly fast runner, and rolls around with his wand toy like a pro. Sir wins the heart of every human and cat he meets. He loves to play with all his new friends, and maybe get some scritches too if you're willing to provide them.

We are still working on finding the routine and setup that works best to manage Sir's condition. He doesn't always know when he is going to the bathroom, so a diaper really helps keep things clean and tidy. At night, he gets crated so he doesn't have to wear a diaper all the time. Putting on Sir's diaper takes about 5 minutes, and he is an incredibly tolerant guy. He looks spectacular in his Spiderman diaper, and flaunts in proudly. It's a special situation, but we know there is someone special out there for this guy. 

We are happy to talk with potential adopters about Sir's condition and the care it requires, and will offer support and training.

This cat needs to be adopted with a friend — applications for them as a single cat will not be answered.


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