Spanner & Wrench

Age: 7 Months 0 Days Old
Sex: Unknown

All About Spanner & Wrench

Spanner (black, M) and Wrench (grey and white, F) are the sweetest little dynamic duo. Wherever you are is where they want to be. If you’re reading a book or watching TV, Wrench will be curled up on your lap or perched on the back of the couch immediately and Spanner won’t be far behind. If you’re cooking dinner, you can expect Wrench to sit by the fridge and keep you company. They both warm up to new people quickly, especially Wrench, who always wants to be the center of attention (in the sweetest way possible). They’re fascinated with tools and love to be brushed, and neither of them minds having their nails trimmed. They love play time as much as cuddle time, with any string becoming a snake ready to be pursued, and small stuffed toys will be chased and batted endlessly. If you’re looking to adopt an incredibly sweet, cuddly pair of kittens, look no further!


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