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Coat Check Chester

Domestic Short Hair | 3 Years 5 Months | Male

Meet Coat Check Chester, the inquisitive and friendly cat. He might seem a bit shy initially, but soon enough, you'll catch him trailing you around the apartment, keen on getting some head scratches. He adores head and chin scratches. If he needs space, he'll give you a little paw tap, signaling it's time to back off. While he's not the biggest lap cat, you'll often find him settling as close to you as possible. His preferred method of companionship is sitting nearby, tail curled around his front paws.

Coat Check loves playing chase when he has the zoomies. He also loves bird toys, springs, cardboard, and strips of paper. He is also a fan of laser pointers. 

He loves to show his happiness by stretching, rolling on the ground, and showing his belly (but only showing, no touchies!). He is a pro biscuit maker once he's settled in as well. He isn't much of a climber, and prefers to crawl around under things. In general, he stays in the open and isn't much of a hider. He got used to exploring his foster's apartment on the very first day he was there. He is also very well behaved, and doesn't really knock things over or destroy them. He is very comfortable around strangers (as long as they supply scritches). 

Some things that make Coat Check happy: a cozy blanket for napping, laser pointers, mealtime, scratch-friendly surfaces, and his signature move – a double cheek rub followed by a subtle request for head scratches. 

This cat needs to be adopted with a friend -- applications for them as a single cat will not be answered.

Find Out How to Adopt Coat Check Chester