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Domestic Short Hair | 2 Years 2 Months | Female

This charming, chatty lady was rescued from the courtyard of an apartment complex with her three young kittens. Now happily retired from motherhood, she's gently settling into life as an indoor cat.

While happy to wrap around your legs and receive pets while on the ground where she feels safe, Niobe gets a little nervous up high or out in the open and will retreat if approached too quickly. She loves to be near her people (though not too close) and will sleep at the foot of the bed and gently put a paw or her head on her people's legs. As long as she is approached slowly, she loves chin and head scritches.

The chattiest of cats, Niobe will always let you know what she's thinking -- when she wants to eat, she will weave between your legs and meow as you prepare her meals and when she wants to play she will meow while walking around with a toy in her mouth. This playful girl loves to let her inner kitten out and is a fierce hunter of all toys. She is especially fond of wand toys and batting around toy mice. 

As Niobe continues her journey to becoming a brave and confident indoor cat, she's looking for a patient adopter who will give her the time and space to come out of her shell and blossom. We believe that Niobe will be happiest as a one and only kitty in her forever home.

Watch Niobe's rescue story here:

Find Out How to Adopt Niobe